About Me
Naoto Nishida is a 1st year PhD candidate in the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, at University of Tokyo, working with Yoshio Ishiguro and Jun Rekimoto. Currently I am working with Prof.Karan Ahuja at Northwestern University.
Previously, I was working with Prof. Jun Rekimoto in my master's, with Prof. Buntarou Shizuki in my bachelor's, with Prof. Xiang Anthony Chen while I was a visiting scholar at UCLA, and Dr. Kaori Ikematsu during my internship at Yahoo!JAPAN, with Prof. Naomi Yamashita during Dynamik Project.
His research interests lie widely in Human-Computer Interaction, Human-AI Interaction, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, especially ones relevant to language, learning, or communication(e.g., AI-based learning, AI-assisted communication, etc).
東京大学大学院学際情報学府の博士1年生です (指導教員:石黒祥生先生, 副指導: 暦本純一先生).現在,Northwestern Universityに留学しており,Karan Ahuja先生にお世話になっています.
修士時代には暦本純一先生,学部時代には志築文太郎先生,UCLAの留学時代にはXiang Anthony Chen先生,Yahoo!JAPAN研究所でのインターン時代には池松香先生,Dynamikプロジェクトでは山下直美先生にお世話になっていました.
Curriculum Vitae
Email: nawta [at] g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Address: Room A102, Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654, Japan.
- 2025.02 Visited Singapore Management University and National University of Singapore! Miss mala xiang guo leehh...
- 2024.12 One paper got accepted to IUI 2025!
- 2024.12 Received Leave a Nest Grant Incu-be Incentive Award!
Read More
- 2024.12 Enjoyed SV at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024:)
- 2024.11 Participating ACC CREATORS Residency 2024 as a collaborator with Ryuta Aoki's artwork :)
- 2024.10 Enjoyed my stay at Pittsburgh! Yeee!
- 2024.10 Submitted One paper to IUI 2025!
- 2024.08 One demo paper got accepted UIST 2024!
- 2024.03 I graduated from my master's! now I'm a PhD candidate!
- 2024.02 My course work on reinforcement learning got selected as one of the excellent works! Check our paper and poster
- 2024.02 My work got awarded at Telecommunication Interdisciplinary Research Award!
- 2024.02 Our work was selected as an Excellent Work at World Model and Intelligence Final Course Project
- 2024.02 We got Best Prototype Award at TEI 2024 Student Design Competition!
- 2024.02 One paper got accepted to IEEE VR 2024 Workshop
- 2024.01 I defended my master's thesis!
- 2024.01 I submitted one paper to IEEE VR 2024 Workshop
- 2024.01 I submitted my master's thesis!
- 2023.11 One paper got accepted to TEI 2024
- 2023.10 I submitted one paper to TEI 2024
- 2023.10 Our work 'Ichiyo' got an Honorable Mention at GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD 2023
- 2023.10 I reviewed one paper from AAAI-24
- 2023.09 I reviewed one paper from CHI 2024
- 2023.09 I presented a paper at mobileHCI 2023 at Athens :)
- 2023.08 I just passed QE!
- 2023.07 I presented a poster at HUAWEI TOKYO RESEARCH CENTER Discussion Night in MIRU2023
- 2023.06 I Attended CHI study meeting(CHI勉強会).
- 2023.06 One paper got accepted to mobileHCI.
- 2023.05 I started to join CA Tech Lounge.
- 2023.05 I submitted a revised paper to mobileHCI.
- 2023.04 I served as a student volunteer at CHI 2023.
- 2023.04 I have come back to Japan! The researcher life in UCLA is totally mind blowing!
- 2023.04 My co-author journal is now on online.
- 2023.03 I am selected for Gary Marsden Travel Award for CHI 2023!
- 2023.03 The 1st notification of mobileHCI just came back. Let's revise:)
- 2023.03 My co-author paper is accepted for International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI).
- 2023.02 My paper IPSJ Journal is now on online. Kudos to IPSJ for the Valentine's present:)
- 2023.01 I reviewed one CHI LBW paper.
- 2023.01 I am selected for Study Abroad Scholarships from the University of Tokyo(100,000 JPY/month, for 3 months)
- 2023.01 My co-author paper is submitted to NLP2023!
- 2023.01 I arrived at UCLA!
- 2022.12 I demonstrated our Traverco AR at WISS2022.
- 2022.12 I re-submitted CHI Paper.
- 2022.11 I gave a short presentation at UIST study meeting 2022 [video archive]! Had lot of fun with HCI colleagues there.
- 2022.11 I demonstrated our works at Rekimoto Lab Openhouse.
- 2022.11 One paper got accepted to WISS2022.
- 2022.11 I demonstrated two art works at 東京大学制作展 True 2022.
- 2022.11 One paper got accepted to IPSJ Journal.
- 2022.11 One paper got Revise & Resubmit decision from CHI2023. I'll do my best!
- 2022.10 I'm visiting UCLA HCI Research from next Jan to Apr! Really excited to collaborate with Prof. Anthony and his talented students there!
- 2022.09 I submitted one paper to CHI2023, and one revised paper to IPSJ Journal.
- 2022.08 One paper notified as conditionally accepted to IPSJ Journal.
- 2022.07 I am selected for Charitable Trust Hisao Iwai Memorial Tokyo Scholarship Education Fund(120,000 JPY/month, for 2 years), it was an honor to give a speech as a representative of the selected students.
- 2022.07 I got exemptions: enrollment fee and tuition(2022 Spring).
- 2022.07 I demonstrated two art works at 東京大学制作展 EXTRA 2022.
- 2022.06 I am selected for Japan Student Service Organization Scholarship(88,000 JPY/month, for 2 years).
- 2022.06 I visited Cornell for a presentation at L@S2021. Great to meet Mose and the attendees there.
- 2022.05 I submitted one paper to IPSJ Journal.
- 2022.03 One paper got accepted to Learning at Scale 2022 Work-in-Progress which I will be attending in-person!
- 2022.02 My senior thesis got accepted.
- 2021.12 One paper got accepted to WISS 2021 Workshop.
- 2021.10 I'll be serving as a student volunteer at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021.
- 2021.03 One Paper got accepted to ACM CHI IICW 2021 Workshop.
My Activities
Below are English-translated excerpts from my CV (En/Ja together).
Naoto Nishida*, Kaori Ikematsu*, Junichi Sato, Shota Yamanaka, Kota Tsubouchi (*co-1st authors).
Single-tap Latency Reduction with Single- or Double- tap Prediction,
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI, presented at MobileHCI ’23), No.7, Article 224, September. 2023. 26 pages. DOI:10.1145/3604271
Naoto Nishida, Kaisei Yokoyama, Buntarou Shizuki.
Implementation of Language Learning Assistance System by Video Playback Speed Adjustment Based on Facial Expressions and Evaluation of Its Effect on Learners’ Comprehension,
Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, vol.64, No.2, February. 2023. 11 pages. in Japanese. DOI: 10.20729/00224250. [Paper]
Takuma Hidaka, Yusuke Sei, Naoto Nishida, Shota Yamanaka, Buntarou Shizuki.
Advanced Investigation of Steering Performance with Error-Accepting Delays,
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (IJHCI), April. 2023. 14 pages. DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2023.2192586
Long Paper
- Naoto Nishida, Yoshio Ishiguro, Jun Rekimoto, Naomi Yamashita.
Dynamik: Syntactically-Driven Dynamic Font Sizing for Emphasis of Key Information,
In Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’25), March. 2025. 30 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3708359.3712115. [Paper]
Short Paper
Naoto Nishida, Hinako Nozaki, Buntarou Shizuki.
Laugh at Your Own Pace: Basic Performance Evaluation of Language Learning Assistance by Adjustment of Video Playback Speeds Based on Laughter Detection,
In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale (L@S ’22), June. 2022. 6 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3491140.3528299. [Paper]
Koki Tamura, Nobushige Doi, Naoto Nishida, Junjie Chen, Hitomi Yanaka.
Japanese Fluency Filtering Using Surprisal,
29th of the Association for Natural Language Processing (NLP2023), March. 2023. 6 pages. in Japanese. [Paper][HP]
Naoto Nishida, Hirotaka Hiraki, Jun Rekimoto, Yoshio Ishiguro.
Real-Time Word-Level Temporal Segmentation in Streaming Speech Recognition.
37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST ’24), October 2024. 3 pages. DOI:10.1145/3672539.3686738. [Poster]
Naoto Nishida, Jun Rekimoto.
SUMART: SUMmARizing Translation from Wordy to Concise Expression.
31st the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (1st Workshop on Seamless Reality: AR Technologies for Seamless Perception and Cognition between Cyber and Physical Spaces), March 2024. 3 pages. DOI: 10.1109/VRW62533.2024.00119. [Paper]
Naoto Nishida*, Hirofumi Shibata*, Ayako Yogo*, Yu Shimada*, Toma Ishii*(*co-1st authors).
Ichiyo: Fragile and Transient Interaction in Neighborhood.
Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI ’24 Student Design Competition), February 2024. 3 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3623509.3635866. [Paper][Supplemental VideoSlide]
Naoto Nishida, Sakiho Horibe, Jun Rekimoto.
Traverco AR: Transcription-assisted Verbal Communication via AR glasses.
30th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2022 Demo/Poster).
December 2022. 3 pages. in Japanese.[Paper][Workshop Page]
Naoto Nishida, Hinako Nozaki, Buntarou Shizuki.
Language Learning Assistance by Automatic Adjustment of Playback Speed Based on Facial Expression.
29th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software (WISS 2021 Demo/Poster).
December 2021. 3 pages. in Japanese. [Paper][Poster1][Poster2][Workshop Page]
Yuga Tsukuda, Naoto Nishida, Jun Lu, and Yoichi Ochiai.
Insect-Computer Hybrid Speaker: Speaker using Chirp of the Cicada Controlled by Electrical Muscle Stimulation.
ACM CHI 2021 Workshop on Design and Creation of Inclusive User Interactions Through Immersive
Media (ACM CHI IICW ’21). May 2021. 5 pages. [Preprint][Workshop Page][Demo Video]
Academic Services
- RA
- Student Volunteer
- Part Time Jobs
- 2023.12 31st Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software(WISS2023)
- 2021.12 29th Workshop on Interactive Systems and Software(WISS2021)
- Internships
Industory Services
- RA
- 2024.04-2025.01 TIER IV Student Researcher
- Internships
- Part Time Jobs
- Hackathon
- 2024.12 Leave a Nest Grant Incu-be Incentive Award
- 2024.03 Telecommunication Interdisciplinary Research Award [Certificate]
- 2024.02 Excellent Project - World Model and Intelligence 2023 [Paper][Poster]
- 2024.02 TEI 2024 Student Design Competition - Best Prototype Award [Certificate]
- 2023.10 GOOD DESIGN NEW HOPE AWARD 2023 [HP][HP backup][Certificate]
- 2022.03 Dean's Award from University of Tsukuba [Certificate]
- 2022.03 Excellent Foreign Language Activity - 1st Prize [Certificate]
- 2020.08 National Russian Language Essay Competition [Certificate]
- 2019.09 FUJIFILM Hackathon - 1st Prize
- 2025.04-2027.03 The Telecommunications Advancement Foundation 3,000,000 JPY
- 2025.04-2027.03 Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation (C) 1,111,000 JPY
- 2025.03 IUI SIGAI Grant 1,307 USD
- 2025.03-2025.10 UTokyo Study Abroad Scholarships (for Northwestern University) 480,000 JPY
- 2025.03-2025.10 SPRING GX Overseas Dispatch Program (for Northwestern University) 1,483,000 JPY
- 2025.01 Leave a Nest Grant Incu-be Incentive Award 100,000 JPY
- 2025.01 SPRING GX International Conference Dispatch Program (for IUI 2025) 460,000 JPY
- 2024.10 SPRING GX International Conference Dispatch Program (for UIST 2024) 300,000 JPY
- 2024.03-2027.03 Iue Memorial Foundation Scholarship 50,000 JPY/month
- 2024.02 Telecommunication Interdisciplinary Research Award 300,000 JPY
- 2024.04-2027.03 BOOST NAIS Grant 1,620,000 JPY
- 2024.04-2027.03 The Univerisity of Tokyo PhD Fellowship 280,000 JPY/month
- 2023.10-2024.03 The Univerisity of Tokyo PhD Fellowship 180,000 JPY/month
- 2023.09 Google East Asia Student Travel Grants (for MobileHCI 2023) 1,000 USD
- 2023.04 Gary Marsden Travel Award (for CHI 2023) 2,500 USD
- 2023.01-2023.04 UTokyo Study Abroad Scholarships (for UCLA) 300,000 JPY
- 2022.04-2024.03 Charitable Trust Hisao Iwai Memorial Tokyo Scholarship Education Fund 120,000 JPY/month
- 2022.04-2024.03 Japan Student Service Organization (JASSO) 88,000 JPY/month
- 2019.03 University of Tsukuba Overseas Study Support Program 100,000 JPY
- 2018.08 University of Tsukuba Overseas Study Support Program 100,000 JPY
- 2018.05 Advancing Researcher Experience Program (ARE) 50,000JPY [Brochure]
Fee Exemptions
- 2023.01 Tuition Fee (Full - 267,900 JPY)
- 2022.07 Tuition Fee (Full - 267,900 JPY)
- 2022.04 Admission Fee (Half - 141,000 JPY)
Misc Activities
- 2024.12 IUI 2025 Full Paper x 2
- 2023.11 Deep Learning 5 - Generative Models (Book in Japanese) [Amazon Page]
- 2023.10 AAAI-24 Student Program
- 2023.09 CHI 2024 Full Paper
- 2023.01 CHI 2023 LateBreakingWork
- 2022.04-2025.03(Expected) ‘Information Processing’ (Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, in Japanese)
- 2021.12 Deep Learning 4 - Reignforcement Learning (Book in Japanese) [Amazon Page]
2023.11 Good Design 2023 New Hope Award Honorable Mention, The University of Tokyo III/GSII [HP][HP Backup]
2023.9 Single-tap Latency Reduction with Single- or Double- tap Prediction, Yahoo! JAPAN R&D
[HP][HP Backup]
- ACM Student Member
- ACM SIGCHI Student Member
- ACM SIGAI Student Member
- ACM SIGGRAPH Student Member
- IEEE Student Member
- Information Processing Society of Japan Student Member
- The Japanese Alpine Club